Doing the groundwork for future generations
We work in partnership for the future of our land. We recognise the mana of the ground we work on, and strive to respect people and place in all we do.
Ko Te Mata o Rongokako te maunga e rū nei ō tātou ngākau
Te Mata o Rongokako is the mountain that speaks to our heart
Ko Tuki Tuki te awa e mahea nei ō tātou māharahara
Tuki Tuki is the river that alleviates our worries
Nō ngā hau e whā mātou
We are from the four winds/all over the world
E mihi ana ki ngā ngā tūtohu whenua o te rohe nei
We acknowledge the local landmarks of the places we are
Ko RDCL tō mātou ingoa
RDCL is our name
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa
Thus, our acknowledgement to you all