We’re a driven team of problem solvers working together for the good of the ground. We’re hands on, determined and fuelled by natural curiosity. We’re one big team and our culture is built on trust, clear expectations and respectful relationships.
Partnership is a guiding principle for how we work. We respect the history of the land and those who cared for it. We embrace what is being proposed for the whenua in the present. We consider what might be asked of it in the future.
We care about our people and the land we work with. The wellbeing of our people and our community is central to our operation. Whenua has mauri (energy), we are innovative kaitiaki (guardians of the land) and we work with whanaungatanga (together with our clients and suppliers).
We are one big team and partners; from our staff to our clients and suppliers. People are important to us and we work hard to build strong relationships at every level. These relationships are based on respect and a commitment to retaining and protecting everyone’s mana.
We feel the fear and do it anyway. We challenge ourselves if we need to and with that we grow. We push ourselves in every situation and by being anchored to our true north, we know how a situation should be addressed. We empower our people through autonomy.
We focus on understanding our clients’ needs and solving every problem to the highest of standard.
We are reliable, accurate and 100% accountable. We are proud of our underlying belief in ourselves.