O Mahurangi – Penlink
A NZD830million project, O Mahurangi – Penlink is a new transport link north of Auckland, connecting Silverdale, Whangaparaoa and the Hisbiscus Coast, including a proposed new extradosed bridge – the first of its kind in New Zealand.
RDCL was involved in the geotechnical investigation stages supplying downhole geophysics to the Alliance, both onshore and nearshore. The investigation was across a number of difficult accessibility sites, involving Traffic Management, Helicopter operations and barge operations. RDCL’s wide ranging downhole capability enabled seismic engineering and defect orientations for structural engineering of the proposed roading alignment.
RDCL has Auckland based staff and tooling enabling easy deployment of assets to various sites across Auckland to complete Wireline Geophysics.
The drilling schedule was often confirmed last minute, due to management of traffic, businesses and access at constrained site locations. RDCL deployed to testing locations within the hour of call up, with equipment on hand and ready to go.
Wireline Geophysics including; Acoustic and Optical Televiewers (ATV & OTV), Full Wave Sonic (FWS), Natural Gamma, Density, P&S Suspension Logging, Downhole Seismic